What makes a bar good or bad?

Lol, Luna is a joke.


Lol, Luna is a joke.


It fits my criterea perfectly. Allen has too many artfags.

oh and anything with an internet jukebox is a plus… fill it with good music and watch everyone leave :tup:

Must have Buck Hunter
Good wings
Good drink specials
Close to home


when the f*ck is desis south opening!


thats what i would like to know. :gotme: anyone? bueller?

^ Desidario’s is currently in the middle of a lawsuit and can not get their liquor license till everything is settled

I make a bar bad or good.

Just me.


oh and anything with an internet jukebox is a plus… fill it with good music and watch everyone leave :tup:


Hahahahaha I do that at voelkers bowling alley…apparently the locals don’t appreciate metal :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue:


I make a bar bad or good.

Just me.


agreed :slight_smile: I believe it’s who you are with that makes a place fun or not. Waiting too long for drinks does suck though :beer:

having clean and decent of age girls (or people in general) makes a bar alot better for me. I hate meeting girls, wanting to know more, then finding out they work at McDonalds because they dropped out of college/highschool on account of their drug habits.


TITS to Cock Ratio


You oviously perfer more cock than tits if you go to 3rd Base.


finding out they work at McDonalds.


Discounts man. Discounts.


You oviously perfer more cock than tits if you go to 3rd Base.


Or I just prefer a number rapidly approaching zero in the tits:cock ratio

edit: I guess its a bad thing to be friends with all the employees at a bar, and its a good time to hang out with friends… and for the most part I don’t go out to a bar to just bring a girl home, or meet a long term lifepartner


^ Desidario’s is currently in the middle of a lawsuit and can not get their liquor license till everything is settled


:word: last time I Talked to Mike he was originally hoping for sept…obv that isn’t going to happen so who knows.

I’m a local bar type guy.

Good wings, and friends, with good music.

I hate overly crowded places with lots of douchebags.


Or I just prefer a number rapidly approaching zero in the tits:cock ratio

edit: I guess its a bad thing to be friends with all the employees at a bar, and its a good time to hang out with friends… and for the most part I don’t go out to a bar to just bring a girl home, or meet a long term lifepartner


Its not even a good bar to know people. i would be there all the time if knowing all the employees got you something…

the owner is a dick
the bartenders are slow and never hook u up
there is cover

  1. I pay 4x cover
  2. The bartenders come right to me when I even get near the bar
  3. The owner is a Dick

4,5,6,7,8,9,and 10) ITS FLIP NIGHT ON TUESDAYS!! thats more than enough reason to go…

If you don’t like it don’t go then

the perfect bar would be a chill, hole in the wall, enjoyable place with cool bartenders that are easy to get to know, but also have the girl/guy ratio. In the real world, these things are of course mutually exclusive, so when the guys are on an ass kick we’re stuck going to places we hate, and when we actually go to enjoyable places they might as well be an annex of the international house of sausage.


Hahahahaha I do that at voelkers bowling alley…apparently the locals don’t appreciate metal :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL, I played New Faith by Slayer, and some people seriously got pissed at caputis


yep true story


Hahah, when was the last time you were out at a bar? :wave:

Anyway, bars where you can actually have a conversation without yelling in someone’s ear, creaton’s beer is not the only beer on tap, modest drink costs and a good jukebox (i.e. the kind Zwarbyt posted).


enjoyable places they might as well be an annex of the international house of sausage.


Well duh.

The hotties bring in the douchebaggery.

Which makes me glad I am not single, because I don’'t need to deal with douchebags because I don’t need extra women around.