What one you like best?

Ok well i was really bored last night so i desided to do a bunch of torontonissan.ca logos. what font do you like the best? if you dont like any say so its all good if you doo tell me what number ill put a poll also so people can vote. if you can make some feel free to post tehm up. Friday is voting day for the official font that will go on the torontonissan.ca stickers for members cars. so please make some and post them up

You dont have to like the set up lol i jsut wanted to give an example of font and layout …


Here goes.

Font 1

Font 2

font 3




Ok im tired of looking for fonts my eyes hurt… just a general idea all fonts can be changed. and mixed up just let me know if you like any of them or have ideas to mix and match them. or make some of your own and psot them up… thanx

personally i dont think i like any lol plus im really tired and jsut did them really quick

Font 5. Its nice and clean.


yeh it is.

not digging the “Toronto Nissans Club” font in font 6, but i like how the url fit nicely underneath it.

yey might just use the url font from six for the vynil. well if no one posts more lol.

i’m really digging the last one that XuperXero made


the grey really shows true to nissans, just seems like that color is nissan’s official color somehow =P

wouldn’t it be kinda hard to make coloured decals like that?

btw, how big are these decals gonna be? The side window for the Z is pretty tiny :stuck_out_tongue:

not to big because most nissan rear windows are small so ill be making 2 or 3 sizes to fit all and you can have to choose from have to be fair and make everyone happy :slight_smile: but i also want a font that everyone agrees on lol. so its open till friday to post ur fonts. and ill have a poll and we can deside then :slight_smile:

does anyone have the “nissan” font?

yah i been trying to look for nissan font and nissmo one but no luck so far

The last 4 fonts of what Samson posted of my fonts are the official NISSAN fonts… I’m surprised nobody noticed -_-

And Samson, the last font is colored in Satin, which is reflective under some light. The photoshop is suppose to emphasis the different tone of colors. But I suck at photoshop. In person on a vinyl, it’ll look like a solid color with a bit of reflectiveness.

whats teh font called i might have it in my photoshop :slight_smile:

here’s some more attempts. I could do better, but I’m too lazy right now… Take it or leave it!



Edit: Crap! url and title spacing is too big! oh well…

leave it…:stuck_out_tongue:

damn u jason… shakes fist

hint**hinttake it!hinthint*

i’m diggin the font 6

yeah i like font 6 but the only problem are the “t” 's in the font …im not feeling those

FONT 6 zep…


stickers made :stuck_out_tongue: