what photoshop to buy??

what photoshop to buy…what do u use??? looking into buying it, what should i get?

i use cs 2… of course it was cheap … REAL CHEAP…

gimp … its free

People actually pay for this stuff still???

where is it free?

lol i d/l it on limewire

Speaking of which it’s probably time for me to update I’m still using 7. :lol:

I use PS elements, i got it for free off limewire. I need to upgrade as well.


And PS Creative Suite 8.0 right now.


I downloaded the dvd iso of that, burned it and never installed. How do you like it?

I’ve gotta look around for CS2…PS 7 is getting old.

Still getting used to it. I’ll see if I still have my installer and stuff.

I use the cs2 suite, its great.

I also have an older version of elements, which I still use pretty often. The batch feature in elements is easier to figure out than cs2.

You should be able to snag a copy on ebay for cheap, or you can go the pirate route I suppose.

I got a legal copy from my work, and that way I’m entitled to the extras on the adobe site, and the updates.

my fiance’s uncle Uses CS2 a lot and he loves it…i may have to get it too

JASC Paint Shop Pro 9, I think 10 is out not though.

Photoshop isn’t free?!?!

it can be



CS3 Beta bitches.