What program to edit pics?

mofo, get back to the states :eek

i will be back in a minute man… trip is about over

not soon enough, lol. :number1

=/ im fuckin sweatin …and hungry… but im sick of this food

quiznos man, quizonos…lol…now i wish i could go get some right now…i think im gonna make myself some bacon…fuck yea i am.


man thats the shit ! i gotta go get somefood tho so peace

good luck with your hangover tomorrow son

bacon and scrambled eggs right now, so hopefully no hangover tomorrow…fuck yea.

Someone hook me up with CS4 then… i’ve had CS2 since it came out…

also for u broke ppl… www.picnik.com isnt bad for a mild editing, and its free

if you dont have a mac i can’t help. i love apple computers.

hmm damn… ok

dave if come to the lot ever or any shift event i could hook u up

apple pc’s are great (dont bash me for saying pc u stupid fucks, a pesonal computer is a personal computer)

I’m there every friday and saturday… u havent seen me? u say it like u havent.

oh fuck, u just blew the mind of so many people on here.

i havent seen you last year, and i have been in india for the past 5 months so i have not been to the lot or any shift get together this year yet… thats why i said it like that :smiley:

u’ll know me when you see me at the lot so just let me know who ya are :slight_smile:

i’ve been out since like K-Mart (or whatever it was) 6+ years ago and Hoffmans… but will do.

hahaha damn ! yea then i just never met you i guess, or maybe i did and dont recognize you by your car

I’ve had 4 cars in the past 6 years… im on the rate of getting one every year n a half or so, but i’ve had the tC for the longest (2 yrs)

'89 Black S-10
'03 Silver Lancer ES
'00 Silver V40 Turbo Wagon
'07 Black tC

I have yet to pay for an XBox 360 game other than Forza.

I have nearly every good game for DS and PSP… at no cost to me!(lame “cash for gold” ref) Well it took me less than 5 mins to find a CS4 torrent with the crack, so I am all good guys, thanks.

Adobe Photoshop and/or Adobe Lightroom are my picks. I also use Canon DPP for raw processing.
