What school are you from?

wow you sound hyper educated! i assume you have a bachelors or two?

lol my brother was telling me that kids used to get in fights out front on the road that wud stop traffic hahaha but he was in h.s. likkee 7 yrs ago

lol ohh yes…you…haha we were doin sum f*ed up st on the way home on the highway haha…ppl probably thought we were crazy …ooh…yea cuz u know off of dundas that coin wash there…the lights…and u go down in the valley there…theres a dude there with another red 300zx but it was 2+2 i think

haha yea 1987 woooo!

not even… 1989 ftw!!!

oh it used to happen for quite some time afterwards while i was there. then all the little kids that thought they were tough came to the school. i left the year after.

Its not about what you know, its about who you know. The papers are just there for reference so companies can say we hired “the cream of the crop” when reality is that you get trained when you get hired. So I always ask myself whats the point in education?!?! Think about it, in any profession there’s always someone to train you. (doctors, lawyers, dentist, accountants).

In all honesty, you don’t want to be working for someone, you should think of an idea and work for yourself, who likes to work for “the man” and be used like a “TOOL” cause thats what we essentially are. Soo… thats my rant… hahhaha

When it comes to fixing cars, i’d definately like to get my hands dirty and figure things out for myself, but i have no idea where to start and what part is what. I need pictures. lol and i need someone to speak to me as if i were in grade 2.

lol 88 jsut turned 18
and yea i neo about that z its a piece of wood

i think most of us are in our early 20’s

havin a car is not easy when ur eighteen lol im broke :frowning:

With a car of that caliber, I don’t even want to imagine how your money situation is… I on the other hand, enjoy periodically bathing in bills… :stuck_out_tongue:

lol yeahhh its nto funn. and i sold off my 300z to make back a ncie penny.

aaahhhh how cud u ever sell a 300zx lol

serious , like who would buy it???

im not gunna respond to n e of ur remarks…its startin to piss me off

its still not easy when your 25 with a gtr. lol

Its even harder when you’re 17 and your dad will tow anything in the driveway taht he doesnt recognize.

Oh, please tell!

calm ur self child .

future centennial student right here. :smiley:

lol. hahahah dont evn start wiht dads no body has it worse thn i do. and i didnt want to seelll it but i need mony lol it was 1987 300zx Ttops no rust orgial 157xxx on it and ****in sexy as hell lol. i only got to drive it liek five times

no body is worse than your dad? You seem to have a pretty clean s14 from what i’ve seen of it. Wish i had the pretty penny, and a spot on the driveway to do that.

“Ngor wah bey lei teng ah. Yuu gon ngor geen doe meh cheh mm hai gah see enn ah tong mai gah gol fuu ngor jao boh ging, toh joh gah cheh jao!”

“Let me tell you something. Any thing i find on the driveway that isnt our sienna or golf, is getting impounded.”

hahaaha lol every asian family is ****ed up.