What school district did you go to

putting it up for Laurel Highlands grades K - 12

ummm, Mr. Pittspeed, i believe you attended to north catholic first then the last 6 months you went to NH. I also believe you met the love of your life at NOrth Catholic.

North Hills > North Catholic.

thanks for stopping by

he meet me on the inTerwEb



North Catholic sucks… my girlfriend suffered through four years there… :finger:

technically the question is shit. it should either be “What school did you go to?” or “What school district do you live in?”

Technically i have lived in NH school district all my life, thats who bussed me to school.

Now as far as schools go, I went to St Athanasius from K-8 then to NC from 9-12 then finished 12 at NH.

so blah


st. teresa k-6 then north hills to finish er off

well techinically whitey the question is what school district did you go to? You went to school within the confines of the city school district and then to school in the north hills school district. so you went to school in both. so you should have answered both in your original post.

and PS to the person who said north catholic sucks. i never siad it was anything great. trust me i know it sucks i went there.

Correcting the King of Pittspeed is grounds for :ban:

woooo woooo tricky question!

I observed the schedule of the North Hills school district but i attended the City School District!

haha :smiley:

i’m the queen of this bitch be_rad

G money?

:owned: :owned:

yeah its Gmoney!!

is that the same person who he calls drunk at 2 or 3 am when he is out at car shows for no apperent reason :dunno:

Long distance booty call :beer: :booty: