fwiw, HSBC is offering 5.25 APR on 9month CD’s
wouldnt make a ton of money, but hey, free money is free money…and if you’re debating what to do with this money, that means you could live without it for 9 months :tup:
fwiw, HSBC is offering 5.25 APR on 9month CD’s
wouldnt make a ton of money, but hey, free money is free money…and if you’re debating what to do with this money, that means you could live without it for 9 months :tup:
convention center. you just need 10% with you. you can even look online at all the houses that will be up for auction and check em out in advance
Do you own a home?
If yes, does it need any major repairs or updates?
If yes, spend it on that.
If no, Roth IRA.
If no home owning, close on a decent home in a buffalo suburb.
they dont have decent homes in buffalo?
this mentality is whats killing the city
its a vicious cycle
Savings Bonds?
Natty Ice,Gamecube,Big Black Dildos?
or learn how to invest