What should I do?

neither is your camaro/firebird, or gto. the Ford GT was built to be a more exotic, hand built, limited production car anyway. look at the numbers ferrarri and lamboeghini produce for thier pricetags. the GT is acctually a good deal if you look at it that way.

yes the Z06 is badass, but with quiks argument of how much more the shelby costs over a camaro, and you can mod it to kill that shelby with the money saved, applies also to the price of the money you can put into the shelby. but like i said, the Z06 is badass.

who’s dumb ass fault is it they made a truck to appeal to a sporty/race crowd and left it fullsize and 4wd?

doesnt matter. the arguement is produced engines. why doesnt gm just take the all mighty lswhatever motors and supercharge them and totally blow away the competition.

after all is said. i dont give a fuck about either, id take both. :bigthumb: