what the jell

I parked on the south side of campus, something I never do. While walking towards Capens some broad stopped me. She didn’t so much stop me, but acted like she was walking by me and then said, “Have you been told the story of the Tomb of something and such?” (I forget what she was saying, she was annoying, I just remember a Tomb).

And her husband was yelling out towards campus from the flag pole some stuff.

Anyway. I got past her with my ninja skills. I go to Capen, notice that I don’t want to use a CIT computer because they are awfully slow and head to Furnas.

I pass by,

They’re jousting. They’re in armor. A handful are having a great time. Most of them look like they don’t want to be there. Why don’t they go joust that broad that told me I was going to hell for my sins? Plz.

It’s really one of those days.:loopie:

They used to play at South Campus, I’ve seen them before.


fuck, I wanna go to hell and joust.
I need to go back to school

LARPing ftw

It’s a club!? Shit. I need to get on starting my square dancing club right this moment. If we can have a jousting club…

The broad lied to me. I hope her god forgives her.

I should go tell one of them there is a troll. Meet her by the flagpole. Her husband is giving out pb&j.

larpfest 2k8?

looks like that broad is gone.

and her awful red lip stick. somebody should tell her that her soul belongs to god, not her pimp.

and the larpers are not larping anymore.

Then can they really be called LARPers at that point?