Silly LARPers.
hahah the fat guy with the armor!
8 magic
8 magic
15 magic
these battles go on in williamsville at south long park on Saturdays at 1:00pm. I find them rather funny.
Nyspeed meet? This asshattery + beer could be a ROFLing good time
all ages, mostly teens…but i have seen a few 30+ yr/olds make it out of their mother’s basement to attend this joyous event.
Looks like alot of fun. :gay3:
i remember that one day, but it was just that one guy and his old lady. if there were like 30 people there… i would bring a 6 pack, a folding chair, and just laugh all day.
Move to OT.
hahaha, wow… I mean, I like RPGs and shit but these people have some issues (especially the older ones) :lol:
+1 for a meet where people actually do this ish. An 18 pack and some chairs FTW
edit: that video would be alot better if synced with the Karate kid sound track
“You’re the best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down
You’re the Best!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own”
edit: edit: even better than watching, join them and tell them you’re a fireball shooting wizard. Then light them up with the paintball gun tucked up your sleeve
edit:edit:edit: holy shit… thats a huge gathering of geeks lol
I have no idea whats going on…
A few thoughts went through my head as I watched that.
First was WTF is oneoneoneoneoneoneoneone.
Second is, damn…this really reminds me of the Computer Science building at RIT.
Third is, well, I guess they’re getting some exercise. Maybe they’ll lose some of their computer fat.
Is this the one were the guy is throwing shit screaming LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT!
that one was awesome hahah
bwahahahahahahahahaha i didnt know tony siragusa played(see pic). and what is this? tryouts for the rennisance(sp?) festival?
Harrhhhahahahahhahaha hahahahha
what is wrong with this world!!! that is all that i will say
ahh back in hgihschool
Me: what the fuck are they doing?
Jon: LARPing
Me: WTF Is larping
Jon: Live action role playing. Its for people who arnt smart enough to realize swinging long sharp metal object at eachother is dangerous.
+1 for a meet. I swear to god i would come dressed up as the juggernaut and just run around drop tackling people