What to do, what to do...

:word: get an 09

In the picture the brakes look like fake plastic lol

He wants a good looking car :wink:

AKA keep the blue one.

An A4, S4, Anything Audi… Volkswagen, older Jetta’s.

I guess 333hp out of an NA 3.2 L motor makes you a douchebag. Oh and that you can drive to the track, track it for the day, take down other cars, and then drive home. Makes you a MONSTER Douchebag

WTF is that? looks like battery Acid or something…

I was suggesting an M3 like this one which make’s around 414hp N/A:


oh yea… even more of a douchebag seriously. Only a douchebag would want traction control that is designed for the track. and 414hp. :tdown: to that car

I think the M is more business douche.
while the GTO is more bro douche.

I would rather deal with M drivers.

  • At least BMW has an interior that doesn’t make me vomit.

You know what I jut recently started to get that vibe too about the GTO…

I say get a white ss for now fix the blue one soon and sell me the white ss in the spring if I don’t find a car by then!

swap into c5 roller

I vote putting your car back together and putting some good times down at the track, and coming out to events and stuff with it, driving it on the street, etc… It will shut up a bunch of people.

why would he want to go from a car that is fast to one that is slow and carts around cocks?

i think the thread should be locked to anyone but bill so he can share what he is doing without everyone putting in their idiotic 2 cents. (except mark, i like what he has to say :wink: )


I like Shifty’s idea and I like Spence’s idea with the 09 Camaro

BILL, GET A 2010 CAMARO SS!!! You’d be the first big dog in the area and I’d hump your leg until I got my 2010 Convertible.

2010 SS FTW

Thats… If you don’t stop being a bitch, and finish your camaro.

x2, it’s apart & a cage will make it legal @ the track. Does’nt effect street drive’n it. A mini tub would be beneficial,(it’s already apart) but a full on tub would take u out of canyon carving.
