what to get for my fathers 60th birthday? updated

any ideas?

Take out for dinner to a nice(ish) restaurant or something

Coke & a hooker.

Someone had to say it.

a photo of you two when you were younger?

and dinner.


my grandfather refuses to accept gifts unless in the form of alcohol.

is he a wine drinker? or perhaps he can appreciate a bottle of scotch?

get professional pictures of yourself and your siblings (if any). Fathers LOVE this shit.

hookers and coke

bottle of viagara and a hooker


bottle of viagara and a hooker


ding ding ding!

This is what my Dad is getting when his Bday comes around

so i broke down and got him the watch he always wanted


so i broke down and got him the watch he always wanted


does it also come with viagara and a hooker?


my grandfather refuses to accept gifts unless in the form of alcohol.

is he a wine drinker? or perhaps he can appreciate a bottle of scotch?


lolol this is gonna be me when im older

lol yea something along the lines of a bottle and a hooker

nice! i mentioned a PAM, which is a watch, i think thats a great present

lol is that what that was?? i was thinking to my self why would i go find a pam

nice watch was it pricy

yea its a full automatic so no battery it was like 1800$ with tax and everything

nice watch…pretty expensive.