What to put on my crackers thread?

Because I’m obviously incapable of making my own decisions. Why not post the question in the form of a spiffy poll. Because after all it is off-topic.

As it stands I have a single package of crackers, and the following to put on it assuming a complete lack of sanity.

-Whipped peanut butter
-Honey Mustard
-Sour cream
-Sandwich meat (ham)


and apple butter…

If I had cheese I would have posted cheese, but I have to start getting ready for work.


peanut butter hands down.


What kind of crackers? Club? Saltine? Wheat?

How could I forget the most important part! It’s just a ritz snack cracker knock off.

Make little sandwiches :slight_smile:

Ooo… peanut butter and jelly. It’s genius!

the only people posting in this thread are girls, fuzzy fish, and newmans.

put the cast stroker crank in it!!! its a 5.9 it can handle it.

OH NM, your just going to sell the r/t for a GTO or some fbod.


I’m not quite sure how a ferrous object would taste on crackers. And I’m not even going to start on the health implications on doing such.

Goya Guava Paste and cheese.

on ritz…i’d bet butter is good…peanut butter, however, is one of god’s best creations

i will eat peanut butter anything. from peanut butter mochas to peanut butter on celery.

we need a peanut butter thread for creations i need to try.

put mayonnaise you sick fuck


Too bad Nancy charges $5 for one.

what kind of crackers?!

omg he said ritz knock offs. and you’re suppose to be playing your stupid video game and digesting your macaroni salads.