my sister is bugging me to figure this out. i think they’re advanti’s but I can’t find them anywhere… does anyone know?! I’ve definitely seen them quite a few times before
my sister is bugging me to figure this out. i think they’re advanti’s but I can’t find them anywhere… does anyone know?! I’ve definitely seen them quite a few times before
Eww… they look very generic ricer rim-ish. I’ve also seen them a buncha times too.
those rims are hot
almost 100% sure volk makes the orig, they look like knock offs though…
i think dvstr or someone has these on their car, in 18s, with stock suspension :?
I was just gonna say this… he was selling them for 1200 bucks last november. I’m pretty sure he said they were Advanti wheels…
I think I’m wrong, these were the wheels I was thinking of.
AppleSauce, I think you are right though… Volk makes them, but those that Jammin1911 posted were copies (I think)
Volk GT-7
there most likely ROTA’s
cuz pos ROTA copies nearly every model around
i highly don’t recommend these wheels unless u really are a big fan of cheaping out and a general riskt aker
i searched for 5 secs on the rota page and this is my first match
these look very similar?
Yah those are the volks, lol, those rotas are waaay off.
There are prob more people in NA running on Rotas than on real Volks, they’re safe enough.
lol shit ur right
i accidentally counted 6 instead of 7
lack of sleep
and spoke design is not even remotely close as well hahaha
but those are definitely rip off’s of the volks.
thanks bog!!
no problem-o