i wish this poll was multi-choice.
i voted run into the cackord though…
but maybe a demo derby isn’t a bad idea.
i wish this poll was multi-choice.
i voted run into the cackord though…
but maybe a demo derby isn’t a bad idea.
i voted to hit jam in his cackord, you will win that match
MIB clone…
or nitrous @ nyirp. but 300 shot or bust…or technically 300 shot AND bust.
call the red cross or Buffalo Mission and donate it to charity. They come pick it up, get it out of your face, and its a tax write off. Done
definitely the most noble solution :tup:
though maybe not the most fun.
Gut the fuck out of it, and then spray the shit out of it at NYI
some old guy is prob rolling over in his grave at those options because he put 10,000 miles on that in 5 years.
call the red cross or Buffalo Mission and donate it to charity. They come pick it up, get it out of your face, and its a tax write off. Done
Yah it would be a blast if you donated it…NOT
Run it down the track with a 200 shot. If that dont kill it you could set it on fire and ghost ride it off a bridge. Dont forget to take video
An NYSPEED demo car idea is not bad eather
sak i saw we combine our original plan of fixing what we can on it and beating the living shit out of it relentlessly with hitting the cackord on a regular basis.
i think as much nitrous as possible is another great thing to do with the car. though i don’t think an NYIRP run with it is a good idea. the smarter thing to do is to take it down to haenszel’s dad’s house. use the last few miles that thing has for something way better than the track. we’ll get haenszel in town, get hammered, and beat the living fuck out of the thing on the trails.
sak i saw we combine our original plan of fixing what we can on it and beating the living shit out of it relentlessly with hitting the cackord on a regular basis.
i think as much nitrous as possible is another great thing to do with the car. though i don’t think an NYIRP run with it is a good idea. the smarter thing to do is to take it down to haenszel’s dad’s house. use the last few miles that thing has for something way better than the track. we’ll get haenszel in town, get hammered, and beat the living fuck out of the thing on the trails.
Good ideas. I haven’t been down there yet. I never left Hamburg today. I managed to tear a huge hole in the sidewall of one tire, so I’ll pay $7 or so for a new rim/shitty tire and be set. I also hit some tracks pretty good today. Hard enough to bottom the car out 4 times in a row, thanks to SHOT suspension all around. The highlight was looking back to see sparks still flying in the road.:lol: This is going to be fun.