what would you do z24/G35/C5 or other...

G35 +999999999999

If you really want payments on a car then switch up and get something else but if you don’t want that burden(sp?) then stick to the cav because theres tons of potential in them.

yes… lots of potential.

BUT, its a matter of percentages.

If you start with more than 150 hp, and your mods add a small percentage…
you get better gains.

remember most turbo j-bodies since 99-00.
they don’t last, and its always FWD, so you WILL get board quickly.

if it survives.

If you want pimp g35 is where it’s at
If you want reliable year round drivablity for fun go for the STI.
If you don’t want car payments keep the Cavi.

Obviously I’m biased, so I voted STI/Evo

I’d go STi or Evo or WRX

if i continue to mod the cav, i’d buy a truck in the spring to DD or some other car for a DD.

How much does FWD bother you? That’s pretty much the only thing, within reason, that can’t be “fixed” about the car no matter how much you mod it.

For a DD, I’m partial to paid-off-wheel-drive, but that’s just me :dunno:

i’m heavily leaning away from modding the cav because of that. i can’t live off roll races forever haha

but something just happened that’s gonna change alot. pics of the damage in another in about 10 minutes.

:ohnoes: Sounds like something slippery just made your decision for you. I hope you’ve got insurance…

its not that bad. but it sways me even more.

Unless you’re over 40 don’t buy a 'Vette. You’ll spoil our image of old divorced guys with gold chains and a bad comb-over hair style. I haven’t got laid since I bought the ‘vette. Besides you might not be able able to handle 350 HP STOCK. And who the hell would want that “Blazer interior” anyway. Who needs HUD, tire pressure sensors, traction control, 6 gears, Bose, leather and an LS1. Keep your entry level Cavy, you don’t need the Chevy flagship. Why would you want one of the best handling cars ever made in the USA? Don’t waste your money on GM, union made garbage. It’s a cryin’ shame where my stock 'Vette ended up on the Who > who thread this year. We all know about depreciation. I’ll bet those Evo, STI will be worth way more than the same age Corvette in 10 or 20 years from now. Take my POS for a ride and see how un-fun it is. Buy a new Cobalt and be done with it.

i’ll have you know my pops has a red 03 vert, auto…
no gold chains, and still has his hair… :stuck_out_tongue:

only 2500 miles on it in 3 years :frowning:

haha, i love c5’s and have driven them. a friend just bought one as well and he loves it. def very nice cars for the money, theres no doubt about that.

Your still in college right??? I would keep the cavy

i would wait until you are done before you make such a big investment in a car

you mean take such a big loss… yes?

that would be the overall smart thing to do, but i just like messing with cars too much. so it’s either dump more money into the cav and lose all that money and then upgrade anyway. or upgrade now and have more fun.

fuck it have more fun now, get a Zo6 and rock out…your only young once and by the time your old enough to get one again it just wont be the same one your outta collage say hello to student loads ya know.