what would you do z24/G35/C5 or other...

ok so i’ve been bouncing back and forth between a few options for a car next year. I really can’t keep my mind decided on anything and I need to make a decision before I end up wasting more money.

keep in mind if I sell my car I will probably get about 4K for it in the spring.
Also, next year i’ll be financially stable enough to maintain a car payment as well.

Option 1 : sell the Z24, buy a C5 Vette. i’m considering this because i’ve always loved them, and they are so damn cheap right now. last night i found an '01 z06 with 26K on it for $19,000.

Option 2: Sell the Z24, buy a G35. a slightly more expensive option. But there is no denying that a g35 is sexy as hell and can pull its own weight around pretty decently. probably end up in the $22k range.

Option 3: keep the z24, and continue on with some plans that i’ve already had. (different motor + boost) and much more. such as more suspension, and chasssis mods. also eventually lose the bodykit. eventually dump another 4 grand or so.

Option 4: say fuck it all and buy a nice comfortable 4 door AWD car that can move around pretty good and try to convince myself to drive it all year. i.e. STi/EVO.

this has been killing me for a while and i’m not sure what i’ll end up doing. just wanted to see some other opinions.

evos and sti’s are not comfortable. buy the C5.

well, i guess i don’t really mean comfortable, but more practical. 4 doors, gas mileage and all that crap.

I’d go with a sti/evo
if we didn;t live in buffalo I’d say ls2 gto or c5 vette.
g35 is pimp too.
but again. all weather car> sweet summer car and lame winter car

Keep the z24 and do the 3800 swap. You got a nice car and its different.



i too hope to get a C5 as my next car purchase.

i would not spend too much money on a cav…
its still FWD.

keep cav for winter beater.
why would you be able to get 4k for an 2nd gen?

:rofl: This is the first time anyone in the history of the world has debated between a Cavalier and a Corvette. :ham:

If you’re talking DD then G35C, if you’re talking toy then C5 Vette.

So are you going to sell the Z24 and take the money and buy a G35/C5 with it?

I mean, wouldn’t it be smart to keep the Z24 as a DD? and get a toy on top?

^^^^^^ this man is smart and sexy…but yea is teh Z24 reliable if so keep that and buy ur toy…C5 but if u need to sell the Z24 get teh G35

sti. hands down.

Prices have definitely come down for the C5 vette, but nowhere near enough so that you can get a Z06 for 19k unless its salvage and/or wrecked.

you will have the most fun driving the sti

but the G35 will get you laid

flat balck C5, black rims, tint

probably same price as newer sedan


ANNNND agreed.

the z24 is nice and unique, but is it really worth throwing in another $4k? definately not, especially if you EVER plan on selling it…

I love my civic to death, but if I could afford an STi/Z06/G35, I would set the civic on fire.

Just remember the phrase that pays - “You can’t polish a turd”



Get yourself a toy, keep your Cavy as your DD. It’s no fun when your project car is your only car.
