what would you do z24/G35/C5 or other...

truth. as sad as that is to admit for me. :frowning:

i can’t believe this is even a question. sell the z24 and get a G35 or STi/evo.

If you can get that Z for 19,000 Or BO you better jump on that son.If you don’t like it you can always resell.

c5 = not good to drive around all year, not practical as only car, insurance will rape you, depreciation will make you cry

g35 = a little better to drive around all year, more practical than c5, insurance isn’t so bad, depreciation is pretty good too.

sti/evo = ok to drive all year, albeit a little rough for comfy daily driving, the most practical vehicles, insurance will probably not like you much either, depreciation isn’t bad, you will be tempted to mod like crazy.

If I had one car, it would be an evo

If I were you, I’d get an STi or an Evo, because you seem to only want one car.

I say fuck it and spend the money on something that will appreciate or at least hold its value. :confused:

ok to those who told me to keep my car as a DD - I thought about that, but when i can get 4K for a '93 cavalier, i’d take it in a heartbeat now before i can never get that much for it.
car specific forums FTW

i would not mind getting another DD or winter beater if i ended up with a g35 or a C5. i’d rather spend a little extra cash than destroy a nice car.

the finances involved definitly sway my decision in this. Keeping the cavy and having a 350+ hp DD would by far be the cheapest thing to do. I can’t have a car and not do anything to it. (as most of us on this site which is why were here)

and lol at the fact that only one person said to keep the cav :mamoru:

my insurannce for a 2001 Z06 in place of a 2001 Z24 would have made it go up

^^ wow, def thought it would be alot more than that.


mileage wise they aren’t that good either bro.

better than a vette…

g35 probably hasa the best of the bunch tho.

vettes actually get decent gas mileage if you get the 6 speed, look for 15-20 city and 30 highway

not sure if the styling is your thing but have you considered a GTO? The interior is nicer than anything youve posted except MAYBE the G35 and its not far off, you could get an 05 in your price range, and in terms of reliability it would have a warranty. Also, 400 HP doesnt hurt.

hmm… let’s see here.

According to autotrader.com, Of the 12 '01 zo6’s in a 300 mile radius of Buffalo, this one is $6,000 cheaper than the next lowest priced one. Also, the average selling price of these 12 cars is $29,455. If that doesn’t send up giant smoke signals in your head that something is wrong or fishy, than you should keep the z24.

i know i thought about that, but i’m just saying, i wanted to use it as an example of how cheap these cars are getting.

There are plently of c5’s in the sub 20K range.

joe - i’ve never really been a fan of the way a GTO looks. just not my mug of beer i guess.

yeah. don’t get a GTO. Those cars are fucking lame as fuck.

I’ll let you take my sti for a spin sometime… I’m guessing you’ll be hooked.

haha, i’ll have to take you up on that offer. but then i’ll end up buying one and modding it, then get another car for a DD anyway haha.

i dont want to be a dick and say that ur cavalier is shitty or anything, so dont take this that way

i know u want to have something unique and cool and shit, u want to be able to brag about having a sweet fast cavy that ppl will think is cool because its different.

fact of the matter is that any of those cars that u listed are way better then ur cavy will ever end up being.

uhhhh i was thinkin i might sell my civic and get a lotus…mind tossing me the keys and letting me take it for spin?? i need convincing

lol :rofl:

Why do people think this? I pay $63/mo. for mine fully covered, with a bad accident and a ticket on my record. I’m also only 24. And yes, its low deductibles ($500), and high coverage limits.

haha i see where your coming from, but what aspects don’t you think will ever be as good as those other cars?

obv right off the bat, AWD > RWD > FWD

handling, theres alot i can do to the cavy for not that much.

power, within 3K a cavy would have more power than an evo/sti or a g35 no problem. and still take a vette cuz it’s so light.

example: a kid i know out in wisconsin, has a boosted 3400 in his cav (stock internals) that put down 358whp at 10psi.

tell me there isn’t potential there.

it’s not really a matter of potential, it’s a matter that no matter how much money you dump into it, i guarantee you will be happier with a newer car. They are just nicer.

and boardjnky4, you can borrow it for a whole week if you buy me tires for it.