what your girlfriend thinks

as much as a try to educate my gf about anything car related, i dont think shes very interested… i guess just like i dont give a shit about makeup, she cant care too much about cars. she did help me paint my car when i did it though, and still seems to like what i do to an extent, but the main problem she has is spending money on it. thats ONE thing that she will never understand: why do we spend so much money on cars for no reason (i dont care or anything). Then again, i guess i dont know the answer to that either…

as much as i think its rad to have the girl there all the time… i am def a guy who rides solo so when i do have a girlfriend its kinda iffy on having her there while im working.

but i love women…i got all their albums so hide your daughters.

The gf races in my car, pretty well, and loves it.
Doesn’t interfere while I make money, spend it on my cars, and wrench on them.
It’s good to get time to wrench on the car, but you have to remember to keep them happy as well.

It’s a waste to find a cool chick that’s into cars/racing, then waste it all by being a tard or taking advantage of it.
^^ Treat them well boys, we’re all a lucky few…lol

Or a sister.

sftu budgel i helped u do ur 5 lug lol

awee faak Ms. C, you know your an exception to what I said. I thought I wouldn’t have to clarafy that.

Also thanks for the help with the 5 lug swap, couldn’t of went down without you haha!!

Im sure it could have. you just have to learn to play blocks better :stuck_out_tongue: I had only done it once before that its pretty basic shittt

HAHAHAH drifting does get you laid

sick I didn’t know everyone on son was a fucking drifter!!

^ wtf?

and lol, that was a good read. My last gf was only interested in my shifter ;P.

im just as confused…

OK GUYS…this is NSFW 18+(so 20% of son can view)


bahhaha. lool, i posted this a while back btw.

ah link no work, ill show it after.

bahahahah, wtf!?

“Jizz mouthwash”

shits fuuucked.

Having a supportive girlfriend is dope,
My Girlfriend sat out with me last weekend in my garage, and watch me strip the sound deadening out of my car, and watched my install my coilovers, and it gets you gas lol