What's a T3?

a sophisticated robot sent back in time?


There we go :slight_smile:

trust me if i was able to tap into the backbone i would quit my job just to download shit all day.

I am under the impression that Cogent has a gigantic backbone around here in midtown, and they have large amount of bandwith coming into the building.

Colgate just dropped some of the bandwith and now there’s all this fibre just chillin’ here and wasted bandwith, so they hooked us up pretty hardcore.

FIOS is OC-12 split among 32 users. you have to wonder why so cheap tho. From what ive read they Verizon owns theyre own backbones, at least they arent jacking up the price.

I had dual OC-48’s at my last job. I hid a few servers there before I quit (that’s why I have more than 2TB uploaded on some private torrent trackers).

Anyway, being single-homed to Cogent is really bad since they’re considered the bottom of the barrel IP transit. If your company has money, setup a bgp with another provider so if 1 of the 2 transit’s die, your network is still up. If you guys want cheap, look into yipes.com. They mostly route through level3 which is pretty decent.

I’d like to think Howie’s company is smarter than to have one source for internet since it sounds like it is part of their livelihood. I can see it now, “we have a partial T for a backup to the internet from Verizon…” Or better yet, "We have a DSL connection on backup… "

just work at UB like I do…

Oh, don’t worry - we are going to retain our current Ts - this is just to help with bandwith issues.

plus we don’t want to give up our IP blocks…