who is running 3mbps DSL?

what kind of speeds are you getting with it? I used to have the 768kbps connection and it was slower than shit. Most of my downloads would never hit over 60kbps. I’m going to the 3mbps service and wonder how well it actually works in contrast to the slower service

speed tests right around 3000. Downloads from fast sources are usually in the high 300’s per second.

What are uploads like?

i never upload anything big but speedtest says 800 range.

nice, thanks for the heads up man.

seems comparable to the old adelphia connection.

With DSL you get what you pay for speed wise unless you have shitty lines coming into your house in which case they usually won’t sell you a higher speed.

Yeah it pretty much is, faster at peak times but slower in off peak times.
Although my shit goes out every time it rains :banghead:

really? I thought with DSL you had a dedicated line? (you didn’t share it with your neighbors) unless I misunderstood what ya meant.

that sucks :tdown:

Is it the house you live in that makes it go out? (old lines or something) Or is it on Verizon’s end?

no i’m saying that its faster than time warner was at peak times, but slower at off peak times, since its 3000 all the time and TW was 5000 late at night but way down when everyone uses it.

I’m not sure what makes it go out, ive had them out to check the lines twice and both times they supposedly “fixed it”, i would think water is getting into some type of switch or something. It goes out for like a minute at a time during the rain, every 5-10 minutes. just enough to piss you off or lose you money at poker.

lol that blows. That would be annoying as shit.

thanks for the help man :tup:

That rain thing happened when I had DSL…then they fixed the issue and it was fine after that…

DSL is supposed to be dedicated bandwidth and not pooled like cable.

:word: same here.

just get an OC line steve, your baller now.

u’ll have a perfect connection, 3Mb… 768Kb…

or u can be my guinea pig and try rocket broadband…

oh, they offer 2 different services? I assume rocket broadband is satellite internet?

rocket is cable… they own the lines in some smaller developments… i’ve only seen them here and in the projects behind near general mills…

oh, I got ya. I’m going to stick with the DSL I think lol

BTW, whats up with those towers in the complex? With all the antenna’s/dish’s on them? Are those like roof mount antennas? I wonder how well they work for picking up OTA HD signals

what color is your car? Saw a white VW on my way out this morning… looked real clean :tup:

silver… havnt seen a while one… and it’s semi dirty :slight_smile:

OTA works alright… not sure what they are for

just got back from getting it setup.
thank god. Can’t wait to get on live with soul calibur