what's for lunch?

here’s mine, i’m working on my garlic and butter recipe. the next batch is gonna be cajun and garlic

hah… i’ll be going to work at 11… to make myself Garlic Butter & Parmesean wings. If you need any sauce-making tips, let me know… we sell about 3000 wings a week.


cajun and garlic butter mmmmmmm

i pretty much got my recipes. i’ve been practicing. not really want to change them, i make them the way i like them. my swwet and hots are as good as anybody’s , ask pewter.

god damn those look good. I was in the mood for wings yesterday and never cured that craving. Now this is killin me! I need to eat some wings today.


Thanks for making me hungry and hour before lunch!!! :mad:

no problem, this is actually my breakfast, the steaks are still thawing…

i hate you so very bad, those look perfect

they were.

Waterfront Fridays at 12! mmm!!!

so whos up for a trip to latrobe to eat wings?

none left, you bring them i’ll cook them

i was thinking that if you guys brought some wings to the BBQ i will bring my turkey frier and make some wings. i would buy them, but it’s gonna cost me 25-30 bucks just for the peanut oil for the fryer.

My lunch hour will be over before I make it down to the waterfront… :mad:



pork loin for me :yum:

eurodad sucks, everyone of his lunch posts make me hungry

actually I think u just want his cock

:eek3: :eek3: