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What happened to my 50 Cent vs Game thread?

hater nation took it over.

it was headed towards someone getting hurt


Power struggle towards the top. Heads will be crushed.

I think that is a threat?

:blah: :zzz:

…and i used to think cutty was a pain in the ass

it was headed towards someone getting their feeling hurt

i wish you could have seen my post before it was deleted. you would have loved it.

i know i did…yeah its too bad he wasn’t on this morning

Hmmm. I wodner if this thread will be deleted as well?..o well.

how bout you say it to my face?

JC and threats in the same post, wooohhoooo…

as i posted this morning…i know there is one thing you won’t say to my face

LOL fighting on the internet… Get the sand out of your snatches and fight like men! Christ, bitch and moan about what someone said on the interweb… You got a problem, call em and meet up, settle it over a beer or thru a couple of thrown fists.

Quit fightin like a bunch of fuckin sissys

are you so sure

exactly…you say rapping takes no skill…someone asks you to prove it & i say your gonna bust some christian rap…cry me a river…

it was a joke…

then you go off and try to turn it racial & say i wouldn’t like it if you droped the n-bomb on me…that make no sense to me…but i guess if you got nothing else to talk about & can’t come back to with something good & have to stoop to that level … then whatever.


99.9%… 100% if people are around.

i guess i’m the blue one & ITR is the yellow one :dunno:

whhhooooo chill the fuck out dude…im not being racsit…im not saying anything…you guys all just need a hug…i posted that as a joke…do make everything into a rascist thing…thats not cool at all…im no racist…