Whats hotter on a girl .... a tan .. or freckles ?

^^^ what that says

Tan… I hate pale skin and freckles…

i love tan freckles

tan with frekles?

a natural tan

Hotrodkid…you know my style. :wink:

awaiting Abercrombie & Fitch’s response…

tan with freckles?

edit* damn double post…

def tan but not tan in the winter months, that looks very stupid imo

all natural

freckles= gingers, tan all the way! not into daywalkers either

Freckles, just because. :tup:

I think tanning in the winter is alright, i do it. Only from november-feb because otherwise with my dark hair, i look pale. I let the sunlight naturally tan me in the summer though. Plus how am i going to go on spring break white as a ghost? :slight_smile:

tan people in winter really piss me off. well not really. but I laugh sometimes. sometimes I laugh.

:word: I can’t stand tan’s in the winter.

i like the tan look…but i hate when they are super dark

a nice tan…not an overly dark tan or the super fake orangish looking tan either

pale skin >*

it depends on the individual woman.

tan, a NICE tan… none of that super orange dark BS

Super fake orange tans are great!! I love a bleach blonde chick with super dark skin. All you see are eyes, teeth and that white hair. mmmm hmmm

Actually a nice natural tan is the best.

tan is nice but not tan like that dumb bitch on american idol last night