whats on that little island right east of neville?

i think its called goat island or whatever??

it odviously has clearings on it, as seen on this google map:


i see three little round beacons or lights maybe?? i don’t know… and then theres those big things?

i’ve allways thought the island was empty till i seen the images of it afew years ago … now i must know!

a family of midgets

IB Shaggy

yup. Shaggy

Chad’s girlfriend is from that island…

Her and shaggy? :eek:

Jimmy Hoffa.

its called davis island

and nobody knows whats on it? lol

the body of Jim Davis…

when Garfield stopped being funny, Richard Mellon Scaife had him taken out…

When did garfield stop being funny?

1991 maybe?

power lines

its a depository for aborted fetuses.

oh, i wondered what that smell was :naughty:

i can never get tired of that sweet smell! :yum:

no, that was located in mckeesport