Whats the best forums 4 3rd gen tegs..

just curious… been glancing through hondatech… just figured tehre gotta be a better one then there!

im not in the teg world but for all around honda stuff honda tech is the best


team-integra is ultra strict

honda-tech is pretty much where its at

team-integra is by far (i think) the best forums for integras. probably because theres no bashing in every single thread. just straight to the point helpful information.

x2 although the honda-tech archives have everything you could need, but you have to shuffle through all the bullshit to find it

team-integra.net is probably the best site. there are lots of great information in both articles and the posts. honda-tech has a lot of bs and people that don’t know what they are talking about. don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of good info on honda-tech as well but you have to sort through a ton of BS.

with TI.net, make sure you keep it strictly to integra topics or the threads will get deleted.