Whats the best purchase you made under $1000?

Sterns & Foster Plaza Hotel Series Mattress… I practically stole it @ 800 dollars a few years ago, I have yet to find a bed that sleeps anything like it.


when plan b, fails you gotta have a plan c. dont want any kids!

Plan D…sawed off shotgun,shovel,bag o’lime

i thought plan D was to trade a pressure washer and some cash? :rofl

We’ve had to make some sudden and drastic changes to plan D, we think the 5-0 have finally caught on.

love how in the top right it says 17 and younger LOL fuckin plan C

^lifesaver. nothing like a good ole’ pregnancy scare!

Yea that shit sucks

actually dude it says RX only for 17 and younger. meaning if your over 18 then there isn’t any prescription needed. but a Dr needs to prescribe it for the underage crowd

Did anyone actually pay attention to that box? :rofl:rofl

x2 It’s fake ya’ll!

the real plan C


Lmao Johnnay

jonnnoo and mathis

I know man thats a Joke box the real deal is Plan B thats why i tought it was funny haha.

Dude who posted the hanger LOL man if it was the 60’s and 70’s thats how it would have went down in someones basement. LOL

granted gynecology is just a hobby of mine, that is my preferred method

its fucking FRIGHTENING!

really is one of the worst, horrible feelings you could ever experience

:lol :rofl