what's the deal?

what about the Borat mankini… eh eh. now that’s some hot shit

^Alright, that about settles it. I think me, you and S13counterpart are all on the same page here lol…must be something in this Barrie water.

And THAT sir, is why I drink bottled water. :stuck_out_tongue:

… Maybe I’ll stop drinking the water from the leu…

But But …Thats where the BEST water comes from! only us real good water drinkers know that fuckin’ secret.

that’s called a banana hammock, its mandatory for everyone to wear one in my crew, its not gay

Crews been a big deal in J-Land forever…Even on a smaller local scale, there’s just guys you drive with and feel more comfortable with. Would you just trust anyone to slide in front of, behind, or beside you? For example I trust Stiky’s ability enough that if he "were " to ever slide by me, he’d be in control. Likewise he must trust me to a certain extent because I “lost” control by his car once or twice and he never flinched. Over time you see and trust certain drivers, and certainly distrust others lol.

Sell that shit on Dragon’s Den!

I like your style… Perhaps we can be a brother division… With Zebra print Banana Hammocks…

This is not such a bad idea…