Ban 1 from thread Mr. Buzzkill.
Benny has the funniest one sofar!
My friend and I did shrooms one night and hung out at a bon fire in my back yard. We ended up needing firewood so he went for the chain saw, which luckly didnt start our it would have been bad. So then we monster trucked it out to the woods in search of firewood. We were gone for hours, and nobody could find us. Now this was at my parents house, and the woods are no more than a few acres deep. I have no fucking idea where we went.
When i was in highschool/college I hung out just about every night at the lake in the summer time with some friends I worked with. They had video at one point of me laying face down, head hanging off the end of the picnic table talking in spanish. Same friends camp I was messing around with this girl on the end of the dock, she went to roll me over and we fell off the side of the dock into the lake. No big deal, until we both walked back to the camp together soaking wet… and her BF wondered why we were both wet :rofl bitch didnt tell me she was with someone, let alone he was there!
Same friends from above, we all worked at Alpin Haus. I was so hung over one morning we were walking down the parking lot and I wasnt paying attention to where I was stumbling and walked infront of a car, got plowed, up over the hood, they stopped and I slid off the hood onto the ground! lol Right infront of everyone inside the show room manager included. They lol’d when i walked in and busted my balls for that one.
Nother alpin haus story, my friend was a big 220LB dude, and he gave me some of his energy pills he takes when he works out. Well he gave me what usually takes, and needless to say I was fired up! I was going a million miles an hour doing some stupid shit and having a blast. It all kind of crashed to say the least, when I went to drift in the crushed stone parking lot in the farm tractor. If you hit the inside rear brakes you could power slide the tractors awesome! Well I must have jumped on the brake, becasue it sheered the hub right off the rear axle tube, the wheel and the inner axle shaft came out, hit an RV, and I almost got crushed by the 1970 Massyfurgison when it rolled over.