whats up everybody

hey everyone. my names mark, i drive an 04 sentra spec v that’s totally stock. i got the car after i had an unfortunate meeting with bambi’s cousin on north transit road in my old 97 intrepid. i’m new to the tuner/import car world and am just starting to mod my car. i’m glad to be a part of the forum and thanks for the welcome everyone!

Welcome, post up some pics :wave:

welcome deffinatley post pics :slight_smile: :carnut

Gdamn deer are out to get us all. Kill and eat them first. Welcome aboard.

Welcome :slight_smile:


welcome to the boards.

my suggestion for modding the spec is
try and get R tune suspension/brake components and then mod it for power after that.

glad to see another spec member. get rid of the stock exhaust manifold and get a header as your first mod to get rid of the precat so u dont blow up your engine. check on myspecv.com for more info about specs and modding.

maybe ill see u around. where do you live?


Welcome…check out myspecv.ocm for more specifics on your car…get rid of stock exhaust manifold like yesterday…loctite ur butterfly screws,cut ur balance shaft chain or remove them all together



welcome :wave:

welcome :wave:

wow, first non-asshat intro thread by a n00b in a LONG time… :tup:

please stay as respectable as you just came across in your first post, and welcome to the board homes!


must be 'cause you own a Nissan :wink:

hey met u the other night at south gate… clean car

welcome aboard

I would do some suspension and other minor mods since its your daily I’m assuming. Keep it fun on the road and reliable.

Damn I really miss my SVTF

+1 for hating deer.

Welcome Aboard :wave:

whats up dood…welcome to the cool kids club!

yay another stock spec v owner! i just got mine 2 days ago. wanna run for fun sometime? post up pics!

yeah dude. i’m cool with that. i’m gettin the ball rollin on some stuff so that i’m not stock anymore.