Whats Up

Hey whats up guys i guess you can say i’m new at the site i drive a half decently modded 99 Taurus.

Welcome, Clean Car


Yea shes pretty nice i guess you could say haha sounds like a V8 all i need are some 17’s and to get it lowered just a tad.

what part of pittsburgh?

That would look great with black wheels!!

Robinson side you?

yea Black wheels would be nice to bad i’m a broke college kid

welcome!!!..that last pic is nice



I am a broke going in to High School kid, so you got something on me lol


If you drive down my street that fast again we’re going have problems…

Welcome…and whats done to it



welcome :slight_smile:

nonsense, you drive down your street stuntin’ all the time jagoff.


When have i ever driven down your street and what street is that?

nice and welcome. My friend had a pretty nice taurus sho awhile back.