Whats your car payment??


eclipse: 0
talon: 0
03 r6: 0

car payments FTL

2007 STI

$558.00/ Month

That wouldn’t get me anywhere near a house payment here though…

My rent is $2250.

Living the American dream… :frowning:

Fuck this area.

vw gti. $109/month. 10 payments left? i think…

2250? for rent… where?

House- Paid for
zx-10r- Paid for
Malibu - paid for
Next stop… new car? I think im going to try to keep it around 200 a month until I have an established client base. We’ll see.

04 sti, 504/mo

what do you do?


Jersey City, NJ…right across the Hudson from Manhattan.

It’s convenient but hardly worth it.

Face it not guilty, thats how I stay filthy

I’m with ya man, my rent is 2k/mo & utilities. So roughly the same as you.

richer than richie, till ya niggaz come and get me

Us FD guys are clearly too baller to have payments. ;D

civic - 0 (sold)
05 sti - 390 (sold)
04 audi - 300 (w/ extended 100k warranty)


185/month 03 Focus

$255 30th
$470 - Lease on the TL
sweet ass sweet 93 sundance…well c’mon.

I fall into this category “No Payment(own)… im balllinnnn”
but I’m not ballin. All my cars were bought for less than 1200 bucks except for the rally car. Voltron was only 1000 bucks when I bought it stock and the modding is through the shop.

hahahahahahahahaha…dont own it anymore but ill list it anyways to get some people to laugh at me

2002 z06=930 a month
2003 fx35=half of 550 a month(shared with my moms)
2003 r1(when i had a payment)=another 200 a month
plus insurance=250 a month

total: 1655

2003 r1=0
1990 audi=0
1993 bmw=0
2 other cars =0

total: 0

happily out of debt now…lol