Whats Your Favourite Rim? (LOTSA PICS!!)

Yeah, Self Explanatory.

what is your all time favourite rim?

I’m not asking what your favourite pair of kicks on an S chassis are, just, in general.

oh, and please post pics of the wheel, as I, and others im sure, don’t know every set of rims by name…

My number 1 rim is the Volk GT-U in Gold.

Second, a tie betwixt the Work VS-XX’s and Volk GT-Vs


And y’all?

anything work

agree’d anything work touchs is un-real.

really eh?

i find most of Volk rims to look much nicer than Works…

Dude man…this was posted a long time ago. Stop fucking reposting these things.

agreed lol there has been so many stupid variations of this thread within the last 2 months, maybe someone should just sticky a thread called

– Wheel Fitment Thread —


for example…

No gay shit either -


Stop being an idiot. I’d understand if you just signed up and happened to miss those threads…but you’ve been here since December 2008.


This is a flamer.

Mark is a hetero.

I think…


Lolol ok so it turns out there was a favourite rim thread last replied to a bit over 2 weeks ago…

But in my defence I think it’s incomplete,

And nobody said they liked any volk rims :frowning: