deep dish rims

any suggestions on rims with a low offset other than diamonds?
post some pics!

how fucking hard is it to use google?



Just search up

Work VS-KF
Work VS-XX
Work Equip 19
Work CR-Kai

Volk GT-U
Volk GT-C

Any rim can be deep dish, just depends on offset really.

^ useless mothafuckas LOL

^good try but a bit over kill

You’re off to a good start though… talking shit to members who have what… 100 times your post count. GTFO.

Here this’ll help you “useless muthafucka”.

LOL takin it soo personal…
damn, if only i had as much posts as you do! you’re cool man

post count means nothing. just like join date.

unless you’re 11 years old, you should know better.

OP you’re still a good for nothing tool who doesn’t have enough common sense to shut your trap.

^ lmfaooooooo posssssssssssssst count means your baller :slight_smile: lmfaooooooo!

I realize it doesn’t, but generally as the join date gets newer and newer, the maturity level goes lower and lower, this sites turning into JDMR.

post quality>quantity
but in some cases both are missing
professor google knows all

This is a dumb ass thread.

just because I’m in a good mood and its 2 am lol

Isn’t this how it always starts ? some kid joins SON because he cant make up his mind about what dream set of rims he wants to put on his car…

And we make fun of him because he is only new to the scene and you guys are veterans, and one of the old guys says something about the amount of posts he or she has, and THEN the new kid makes fun of US saying “we are cool” when HE just asked US for information, and we never hear from him again after that.

This has to happen at least twice a month i swear to God

Lets try to say nice things or nothing at all, unless it really must be said - if you don’t want to give your input on some cool rims or what ever the case may be, then leave it -

its only the internet haha -

im off to sleep

Yea, why can’t we all just get a long.

BTW, my penis is bigger than all y’alls!

^^^^ thats what she said?

She said her penis was bigger? Damn dude…your with the wrong women LOL


edit: I set myself up big time for that one
