What's your porn name?

Saw this on 240sxone.com:

Basically just add the name of your first pet with your street name. We should have some funny ones on here.

Mine is “Blaze Schoonmaker” (street name really screwed that up!)

If your pet’s name is of the opposite sex use the closest male/female equivalent.

Mystic Longhouse:rofl

Onyx Mowhawk

Karma Rt 7 :haha

Mickey Red

Brinkley lansing or Guinness lansing

buster sitterly

Rags Christina

Sounds like someone who’s always on their period.

Blazer Kennewyck :lmao

my porn name is Wayne.

awwww gay

boots rosemary

Isn’t Tracey your pet? Tracey Seven!

shasta sitterly :wink:

Anyone else try the “what is your gay porn name?” I clicked it and it said my gay porn name was Brian Seitz. Weird…

If I ever have kids I’m gonna rig the system. I’m gonna make my kids first pet named Longrod, and I’m gonna somehow find a street named VonHugenDong to live on.

Tweak Snyder

Maggie Crane

Jessie Hillside.LOL I sound like a chick.

Buster Berkshire