When happens when you lube your chain with the bike running?

Gixxer content - fingers are overrated edition; Performed by professional squid in his backyard, DO NOT ATTEMPT. :wow:eek3

Graphic warning, click link at your own risk: http://www.gixxer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=242261


I couldn’t help it, I had to look.
I really wish I didn’t.

First Reply: Holy Shit you are one dumb fucker!


fucking idiot… god that had to fucking hurt

That dumb motherfucker.

Glad they had time to stop for a photo op before going to the hospital.

I didnt even see it but I can imagine.

I was a tard once, and rotated the wheel by hand once the wrong way (brain thinking one hand thinking the other) while holding the paper towl under the chain above the swingarm… yeah pinched a finger, but it only went in a little but still busted the nail and hurt like a mother fucker.

I can assume it didnt hurt that kid too much since they prolly flew right off nice and quick! lol I an watching that shit BTW… not after that guy diving onto his head in the video section.

good thing he didnt try to clean it with his cock

See, he just has to look on the bright side.
He may only be able to finger bang with his left hand, but he can still get busaaay.

Vot? that you?


Lmao what a jack ass

+rep for that guy taking a couple pics of his hands while the tips of his fingers are missing. Wow.

Looking at his hand though it doesnt necessarily mean they have to amputate to the first knuckle BUT damn hard lesson learned. BUT his explanation just makes me think of messing with my bicycle when I was a kid i wouldnt be putting my hand on that chain while it would be going around either


If you can’t lube your chain (or perform any other simple motorcycle maintenance) without chopping body parts off then you shouldn’t be out riding on the road.

I know of a guy that did something similar like 10 years ago. It was on an old dirtbike and the shifter was broken 1/2 off, he was riding it and reached down with his hand to shift…

I won’t rip on him he honestly admitted to his mistake and seems like a stand up guy buy his few posts in that thread. We all make stupid mistakes when we are not thinking clearly every now and then

Ah that made me nauseous

My friend had done that years back. My other friend was there and had to pick up the left over fingers and bring them to the hospital. He said that was the worse thing he has ever had to deal with. I believe him.