How NOT to clean a chain (Graphic)

Didn’t think anyone was dumb enough to do this but I guess i was wrong.

I was cleaning the chain on my super moto and spinning the tire by hand, my master link snaged my grudge brush and sucked in to fingers. that was 4 months ago I still only have some finger nails. That guy is screwwweeddd

fucking idiot lol

I love how he took a picture of it after he cut off 4 finger tips instead of rushing to the hospital :lol:

EwwWww. That sucks

Pshh, go figure it was a gixxer owner…


Yeah… assholes who own Suzuki’s.

Ouch. He seemed not to be aware of what just happened, all calm enough to pull out his cell and take a pic.

“yo dude-bro youre not gonna believe this shit! I totally cut off my digits bro!..woah, hello ladies…oh shit yeah man let’s hit up the hospital, wanna get Jim’s on the way?”

Not surprised from a gixxer owner. Great custom title too.

haha oh wow

Somebody give that guy a hand… :clap:


oh man that’s got to hurt! Sucks for him though.

shitty. but love the first response…“Holy shit. You are one dumb fucker!”

lol, I saw this on another forum.

Dumb motherfucker.

hmmmmm…first time seeing fresh human bones…

Remind when I do something stupid to NOT post it on any forums…lol

holy crap, he took that pretty well actually

ugh horrible



that really sucks