when was the last time you...

I cry when I read dumb threads.

So I’m crying right now.


I’m on a record non crying streak, nearly 7 years

Hahaha, way to fuk up the thread funny guy… u just bought a front row seat in e_fighting. :madfawk:

i thought she sat on his face and the tears were from happiness. breathing is a beautiful thing.

Last time I truly cried was when my old nanny passed over the holidays. She was with my family through elementary school and she still was in contact with me up until a few years ago when her lung cancer showed up again. She meant a lot to me and I couldn’t help it.

I agree though. You shouldn’t be afraid to cry. Sometimes it helps, especially when you lose a relative. If you don’t show emotion, youre not really a person.


I am a very emotional person and will freely admit it. It comes with it’s pluses and minuses.

I probably cry once a month or so, usually over nothing big, just usually lonliness or discontentment with life. not that I don’t have friends or have a sucky life I am just a perfectionist that places unrealistic expectations on everything and nothing ever measures up. But on the other hand when it comes time to be a man I will stand up for what I believe and am far bolder and principled than most. But I’m a person that tends toward personality extremes so it isn’t uncommon for me to be at both ends of a spectrum.

Oh and for what it’s worth to the guy that said something about guys that won’t admit they cry owning guns. I have a fair amount so I’m not sure how that fits in the equation. Although I don’t get near enough opportunity to go shooting down here living in a city.

what’s with the emo’ing of America these days. No wonder we can’t win a war against a bunch of towelheads.

If all you crybabies would man up maybe society would toughen up a little. We have guys wearing Pink shirts (240) guys driving pink cars (whitey) and the list goes on and on, WTF is this world coming to?


hahaha. i hope your kids turn all emo on you. your ass will be pwned

when my car broke 2 hours before leaving for prp like the last 50 times in a row

You never can. When it happens, it happens. No use to hold it back

whats wrong with being emo? being mad or angry is emo…it’s being dumb(like bush) that doens’t let us win the war…1 bomb…is all it takes…1 bomb

you are a fucking idiot…this statement here just proves to me 100% that you are

i take it your mom didn’t beleive in abortions because your here today?
sorry but it’s the truth…1 bomb is so much easier than thousands of OUR troops being killed but thats getting a bit off subject. go beat on a woman mr. emotionless shell shock