Where are the best places to get these parts?

Im trying to locate the rest of the parts that I need for my 78 GS1000 cafe build so I can get it out of the mock-up phase. Im having a hard time finding what I want so maybe some of you can help me out from your personal experiences. Im trying to find everything at the best price possible but also not sure about quality since Ive never had experience buying any of the parts that I need.

New push/pull throttle assembly- Nice, smooth, Clean design.
Front Master- I would like the type that has the resivour mounted remotely with the little hose that connects it to the master. I have an idea to make it unique. Also, I want the levers that have the grooves for your fingers.
Brake Lever assembly- Again would like the levers to have the grooves for your fingers. I also want the mount to be aluminum. Everything on my bars are metal so i would like to continue the trend.
Braided Brake lines- I thought I remember seeing a thread about a ridiculously cheap price for a full set recently but I cant find it anymore.
Front headlight- Im looking for something with a simple black bucket and a polished ring. Clean and minimalistic.
Wiring connectors- Im rewiring the entire bike so I need all new connectors.
Front fork rebuild- Im going to rebuild the front forks and add Progressive springs. I would like o kind a kit that has these included with everything else need or else piece everything together.
Rear Springs- Want to replace the rear springs but havent found anything to help me figure out which are the mos economical but also provide a good ride.

Im not asking you all to do all my work for me by any means. I have spent most of my time over the past few weeks working on my bike and doing research. Im feeling a little overwhelmed with the options out there so I figure some of you have to had replaced these parts on your own bikes and could provide some insight on quality products and places to get them.