Where Can I Find This Stuff??!!

What general aftermarket 240 site have you guys bought off of? For general parts anywhere from short shift kits to over fenders?


I have seen bings but what else is there that people trust?

rhdjapan.com is pretty good i got stuff off em, they are not local thats for sure.


out west…but at least its in Canada

opps… i meant… pdm-racing.com

Pings doesnt have that large of a seletion though… and they don’t even seel flux capacitors! >:(

lol but yeah… Just go to the sponsor vendor section

  • 1 for Bings & PDM for being in Canada.
    If you can’t find what you need, hit up FRSport or Enjuku.
    I find RHDJapan to be way overpriced usually…for what I’ve looked for in the past…

^ Never ordered from Enjuku, but they have tons of stuff:


Also check out the “universal parts” section for things like seats, steering wheels, etc.

I haven’t ordered from there either, but a friend of mine orders often for his Targa car.
I ordered my rockers from FRSport.
I bought the express shipping for like $40, and it got here reasonably fast…haha

i sell way more than what’s on my site… i didnt even think people used my site… i guess i was wrong.

http://240sx.ca/ - Varun likely has everything you need…in stock too.

I have sent a LOT of people to your site dude.

I often check your site for new shit as well.

Most of my parts were bought from frsport.com. The shipping is always fast and pricing is reasonable. I find PDM is overpriced and service not overly friendly.

rofl didnt know… I do. If its in your signature im sure lots of people do. :/:

yeah i can get anything but it’s a hassle… i work full-time and have a family so i don’t care to go out of my way to make $15 on a $150 Greddy BOV, therefore i took all that stuff off my site and just focus on my Canadian-made house-brand stuff and the knock-off stuff. easier for me… and yet somehow i sold more this year than ever before… strange.

someday i’ll get around to putting JRP, and the like, on the run but i don’t feel like it right now… i’d rather make babies.

rhd japan always haas gangster rare shit. none that i can afford so i look at it :frowning: