im looking for a copper washer dunno the size i jsut have the banjo bolt to match it up with
where can i find this in GTA (etobicoke)
ive tried Crappy Tire, Partsource, napa, fincham, performance improvements lol
any ideas called cisco they said they dont have either…
any hydrolic supply shop…usually open saturdays until noon.
if worse comes to worse, you could buy a sheet of copper and make your own.
thats weird… I just picked up some last week @ napa and they had boxes and boxes of different sizes
that works too but you need a proper punch set to pull it off. I guess you could use a drill as well with a big bit and a small bit
is it for the Turbo Banjo?? so 14mm or 12mm??
what works great are the stat-o-seal washers,
they actually have them for oil pan drain bolts
they are a metal washer with a rubber center.
at all CT
i ended up going to a few other canadian tires and finally finding one thanks anyway boys