In what financial situation would you be if you had to pay $800 more a month for the last ~13 years? And thats a very generous figure once heat, utilities and food are included.
Just so you know so far, you saved ~$124,800 compared to the people who don’t have parents to mooch of for rent.
what Im getting at is that I never asked for any type of financial assistance. I went to the bank and got loans and a credit card and paid the bills with money I earned at a job. I have to work for my money, an interesting concept.
What you’re not getting is that you are under financial assistance with parental housing.
You’re ever worse than the government moochers. You have a good job and can easily be self sufficient but you’re not because you would rather be on parental welfare and parental housing. If they could they should probably tax you as a dependent.
For a guy on parental welfare you don’t get to judge other people for receiving assistance.
Consider government being their “parent” if that starts to make more sense in your head.
Well my parents arent evil commies and wouldnt kick me out at 17 so that figure is invalid.
I bought cars, a truck, a quad and a bunch of shit on credit. Thats where my money went.
I also had a shittier job until 6 months ago and in the past 6 months Ive paid two bills off completely and Im working on another one right now. Ill have the truck paid off in 6 months or so and have almost 2 years left on the loan. Then the quad and all my bills are done.
Here is a novelty concept. Not everybody who has kids wanted them. Some make mistakes buying cars, some make mistakes going to college, some people who actually deal with females get drunk when they are 18, 19, 20 etc and get kids. Condoms break, heat of the moment, old condom, no condom who the fuck knows. Crazy right?
Courts won’t allow parental testing if it could endanger the welfare of the child. I don’t know the entire circumstances but I’ve known people who literally weren’t allowed to find out if the kid is theirs after the split.
Yes white power, you ignorant bastard. Exactly.
Guess what??? The people who make very little get taxed very little. That’s how it always works right? Yet they still pay their purchase tax every time as well, just as much as you do on their goods.
Man these parental welfare kids are arrogant aren’t they? Mooch all day and complain all night about how unfair life is.
You’re right PJB you got it rough. No rent, pretty new truck, toys (quad), literal toys (hotwheels), no utilities. But we understand, you’re a big boy now and you probably cover your own insurance and cellphone. Small steps.
Funny how you keep sidestepping the fact that you are a moocher yourself.
I wish I could have a do over of my 20’s. Actually starting at 18.
I wouldnt go to college, would start a good job, wouldnt buy a POS car and dump money into it, wouldnt charge a ton of shit on a credit card, would buy a house and would make better financial decisions. Still wouldnt have kids, theyre not for me.
Unfortunately thats not possible in the real world so Ive gotta pay for my mistakes like Im currently doing.
On a low average i would have saved over 110,000 if I lived at home… So yea Paul living at home saves way more than a mustang and a maxed out credit card… You’re no better than a stupid welfare kid except you have parents to catch your mistakes when some don’t…
You’ve got it good, I had to pay rent when I came home from college during summers. $400 a month while i was a college student. When I graduated the rent kept increasing until I moved out lol
Paul, living with your parents in a time of need is one thing. A lot of people fall into hard times and have to make the TOUGH choice to move back in temporarily. It happens. But the point we are all trying to make is that it should be temporary. Your an adult, they are adults. Everyone values privacy and freedom. You need to think about them too. They prob would never tell you that they want you out even if you asked.
Right now you are getting more than any person on welfare. Free living, that includes rent, utilities, maintenance costs, etc . Hell, i dont care how much debt you have or had, you should have been clear a long time ago. How?
You have 8g in debt right? Sell your truck. Pay off 75% of the debt right away. Use your paychecks to pay the rest in a very shirt time period. You are now debt free. Buy a new vehicle, there are some killer deals out there for under $200/mo for vehicles. Buy used if anything. Then move your old ass out of mommy and daddies, get an apartment like everyone else. Put the house on hold. That is not a priority. You moving out is. You can make all the excuses you want as to why your still home but none of them are valid when the choices you are making are 100% selfish. " i dont want to move out because I have debt". Bullshit. There are a hundred ways you could be debt free in 6 months or less living at home.
Think about your parents, think about yourself, but most importantly its time to grow up.
I see nothing wrong with living at home. maybe his parents love that he is there and is actual company, the guy goes for walks with his mom every week in the summer. imho he is a good dude that is just taking things at his own pace so why not let him be?
The problem isn’t him living at home. By all means if it works out with them fine.
The problem is that when he gets on the high horse and starts riding around town claiming “moochers” and “lazy” are taking all his hard earned tax paid dollars even when he’s been a moocher for the last decade + some.
It’s the equivalent of somebody sitting at McDonalds eating his second Big Mac extra large meal on the megaphone yelling “look at all these fat fucks eating unhealthy”.
Get off the high horse and worry about your own life and problems.