Where can i get an IDE cable adapter...

to dump my laptop HD onto my desktop? eh? local?

You can buy an external USB enclosure which the laptop HD plugs into and then connects to your PC… Then it will just show up like a Flash Drive.

Probably Best Buy or Circuit City. Maybe Radio Shack.

what would that be called? i dont believe i’ve seen anything like that…

get an ide to usb adapter


Something like this here. How fast do you need it? I don’t know how great the selection at Best BUy will be for one of these… Or else it’s probably going to be way too much money.

the laptop is fried and i need my tunes off it to burn chips for customers cars… if best buy will have it, then i’ll try there… would there be any other place to try?

…and is “IDE” indicate a laptop or desktop connection?

they both are ide, but im pretty they are either smaller or have a different amount of pins for a laptop

alright… got it.

i know its goign to be like 26234234$ at bestbuy

Instead of an enclosure get one of these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812156102&Tpk=bt-300

Or for gas money I can come and loan you mine. It works awesome and can fit any hard drive to a USB device.

IDE can be laptop or desktop. The pin layout is different and getting power to the drive is totally different.

I’ll get out and just buy one, i appriciate it though. I just hope i can find it local

if i can find mine your welcome to use it, i’ll look after i’m out of the shower

Sounds good. I doubt you’ll find anything like that at a chain store like Best Buy. A local computer store or something might have one. Be sure to tell them laptop IDE when asking. Converting to USB will be easier than popping open your other computer and dealing with a laptop IDE to standard IDE converter. But that type of adapter is less common.

If you change your mind or are around Rochester - my offer to borrow it stands.

If you want to drive to Wexford, I can give you one from our shop.

Thanks guys, I think I have one lined up.

compusa has them…don’t know if any of them are left around pgh…i know the one out monroeville closed and they had some

compusa in robinson is where i got mine.