where can I get one of these?


I want to wear one to the game on sunday… thx

at a steelers store… DUH

there is one downtown on forbes… honus wagner store.

Well I looked on the website for the steelers store and they didn’t have them, I found that on ebay :dunno:

there is also a steelers store in monroeville mall i think…on the kaufmanns end

slo shelbys mom

I can make that… It’s super easy.

take 3 pieces of fleece… 2 black and one yellow. Layer them black, yellow,black… sew down the center then cut 1 inch slits… I made these for my nieces in their school colors…

How much on ebay?

$7 and $4 shipping…

LOL I bet I could do that too, if I can’t find one tonight at the mall I just might do this! Thanks!!! :slight_smile:

It is probably $3 worth of material…

Do you want me to make you one?

Just make it… it will only cost like 5 bucks (if you have none of the supplies) and 5 to 10 minutes.


I appreciate it newchic, I’ll give it a shot if I screw it up I’ll let you know :bowrofl:

Also… If you take the time to curl the fringe around a pencil… Like you are curling hair with a curling iron… It looks pretty cool too… It stays for awhile but not forever.

PSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTT… Eurodad… you could make money doing this from home.

pittsburgh mills has a steelers store that has them.

pic of u wearing that only

they aren’t just for the steelers. go to the pens game thursday and go into the pro shop they have em there