where is your first car?

in the garage behind the evo… DD ftw

bought for $800, lasted 3 years, scrap yarded it for $80 , 95 Escort

<<, most likely a junkyard … it ws 14 yeasr ago

mine is definitely in the junkyard by now.

88 2wd s10 blazer, 3" drop.

It had 176k on it when I sold it in 1999.

Don’t have any pics on this computer; but it’s sitting next to my Fathers garage wrapped in plastic waiting for me to build it again…

'74 Nova SS; Pro-Street; tube-framed and caged.

I had this gem. a 1982 Escort. It was flat black. The body consisted of about 90% bondo. bondo which was never smoothed. It ran great, and i got it for the low low price of $30 so i didnt care. it got me around. I then sold it for $150, and then bought an 89 Camaro. I could only imagine that the escort has since parished.



I’m assuming it’s probably scrap now. I had it for almost 4 years, it was a good little truck. I saw it once about 4 months after I got rid of it.

My first car is sitting just like this in my possesion. Haven’t touched it in about 3 years now. Someday i guess. Wow, i’ve owned it for 12 years now.


sitting in the driveway waiting to be brushed off so i can go to school

poor lafengas, i miss that thing, i remembe rwhen it first showed up to a southlake meet

my FIRST car was a 95 neon sport, green 4 door, i traded it in on the tib, and it got sold locally

my tib is in florida


Junkyard. Mine was gray with porno red interior. The rust was very similar. I drove it for a year, then gave it to my dad as a winter beater when I bought a Ranger. He blew it up.

I loved my 93’ Probe GT!!! Not sure where it may be.

I gave my first car to my pop for a case of beer. It was Guinness :tup: '93 Taurus GL, it’s got about 170K on it. Fucking great car. I want to buy it back. :stuck_out_tongue:

Junk yard somewhere :frowning:

mine’s in my driveway as well. gah i need a new car.

I think mine may still be somewhere in Amherst…

haven’t seen it since i sold it though, but that was over 2 years ago

I had a Bigfoot power wheels…something like below. ha I pulled mad honeys in that baby! There was no wheels left when i got done with it ha


Scrap Yard…I helped them hook it up to the tow truck




out of curiosity…how much would you want for that minus the engine? i think that car would make a killer TT LSx setup… if i could convince my dad to buy that, it would be something nice to work with… only reason i ask is because i remember you looking to sell a while ago. do you still have doors and interior and that type of shit?

'88 Isuzu I-mark, traded it in for a kia, a few months later I saw it being used as a field car behind the dealership. It should be in a scrap yard in NH since the frame was rotted out.