Where the F#$% is the pcv on a ka24de?

I cannot find the PCV(positive crankcase valve) for the life of me, I know it’s somewhere’s by the intake manifold, but i’ve spent about an hour looking, can someone help me out, with pictures preferably. All you 91 and up 240sx owners should know (Flavio?). I’ve read so many answers on the net and none with pictures. I still can’t find it.

AHHH yes that pesky PVC valve!!! God damn i spent 2 months looking at the engine wondering where the fuck it was. Anyways i finally got down to it this winter and did it.

Here are the steps:
You will have to do it from underneath the car so get it on some ramps and get some good lighting so you can see what your doing.

Remove the Alternator, no need to unhook the wiring just hold it off to the side.
Remove the support bracket for the intake manifold, and you will see a hose run along side the block towards a square box (Usually covered in oil).
Unhook the hose off of the PVC valve with some needle nose pliers.
Unsrew the PCV valve from the box. i think its either 17 or 19 mm and there isnt much room to work in so you will have to use a slim wrench.
Screw in the new valve.
Hook up the hose to it.
Put the braket back on and the alternator on.

And have a couple :drinkers:

Here is a pic with out the intake mani in the way.

Wow…what an incredible pain in the ass.

I liked my Lincoln - it’s right on the valve cover, and it’s a $3 part at Canadian Tire. :slight_smile:

on the SOHC its easy to change, right up top on the intake!!

Thank you Flavio you’re the man, I think we should make this a sticky, as it’s a freaking pain to find this and other 91 and up 240sx owners will appreciate it.

HAHAHA make this a sticky. Are you nuts i think we are the only 2 in the club that actually still rock the KA24DE. :E

Ummm i am still rocking it for now.
I looked at changing it but i’m just don’t care anymore

I’m Rocking it Baby 8) Love th KA, Some day hope to do something to it.