Where to buy: A Decent Computer


Very easy to do, and worth while.

Certain versions of the dell are compacted into the case so much that if you try to put a normal PCI card size into a slot then it will reach outside of the cases parameter and cannot be screwed in.

Some dells even come without an AGP or PCI express slot and have no integrated graphics so you are stuck with some crappy PCI graphics card that can never live up to an Radeon9800Pro

gateway does similar things

If you buy an e-machine you better be good at re-formatting/partitioning/installing

my brother had one…he had to wipe it out and reload every 2 months because it so crappy.

I wouldnt recommend an e-machine…they are gateways bottum line, and gateways top of the line computer…well…it leaves a lot to be desired…I used to work for them, trust me…they came to us one day and said “the gateway media center was released pre-maturely…if people call in for tech support just mess around until they give up and send it in for repairs…there is nothing we can do over the phone”…these systems ran up to 2000 bucks at the time.

Try bidding on E-bay for a Dell…they start real low…usually by the end of th auction your payin full price anyways…but if you know how to fuck around with ebay you may be able to et a ood deal.



I also want to reiterate…


dunno how much of computer nerds everyone here is as me, but if ur looking for a powerful machine for fairly inexpensive, i would suggest just buying one of those 3-400 dollar dell machines, re-formatting the hd and running a good, easy to use linux distribution(linux is FREE!!!). Linux is unix based(as is mac os), so it is very reliable, u wont get spyware, u wont get viruses, it will NEVER crash. Linux is a very light operating system, u will find that a computer that will barely even run xp home, will seem like a state of the art system running linux. I have a machine running SUSE linux 9.3 right now and its a 500mhz celeron with like 256ram and a 13gb hd and i love it. I say fuck Bill Gates in his Big dirty stupid ass

Let me add Compaq to that list. NIGHTMARE!!

most emachines are athlon64’s now…

Macs are good. really.

^^^In all truth, they really are. Mac OS is just a ripoff of UNIX, they were the first out with SATA, first out with PCI-X, and they have been 64 bit for quite a while now haven’t they? In all honesty their only problem is that almost all of the world uses windows so there’s not nearly as much support for them in every sense of the word, be it software, hardware, tech support, or someone nearby that can help you with a problem.

When you get right down to it they’re fantastic machines, but as good as they are IMO most people would be better off with the ease of owning and using a PC.

They are good for what they are, there is just minimal support or marketing for them.