Where to buy fiberglass cloth/resin?

Where in the fuck do you buy this stuff locally?
Can’t find it… I assume it’s at a specialty shop or some shit.

Or am I just blind?

Looking to buy it for a sub enclosure, so appropriate weight cloth would be nice…

any parts or hardware store (I know for a fact: home depot, Lowes, True value)

Looks just like this in the most common brand:


Cloth packaging: http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1383203&clickid=prod_cs

I doubt you’ll find chopmat readily available.

Home depot, Lowes, any auto parts store…

chopmat (along with the resin and woven mat) is available at home depot, lowes, advance auto, autozone etc.

mhmmm I checked home depot and didn’t find any.
I guess I fail at looking…
Back I go.

West Marine on the blvd and smith boys off River rd. the marine grade is much better quality, but more expensive.

Its tough to find and the people that work there are normally clueless. look for it in one of the paint isles near adhesives and paint thinners.

Dont go to west marine…

Because its for a boat, its 2-3X more expensive then the same stuff at any other place…

You can get it at pepboys/autozone

Use epoxy resin instead of polyester

From what I noticed, Wal-Mart has the best prices. But they dont have a gallon jug like Autozone and others do… If you need that much resin it might be cheaper there.