where to buy skates?

-what do you mean by recreational? Playing street hocket and such i wouldnt recomend, but i know this soudns cheap, hell it IS cheap, but my girlfriend and I picked up some no-name-brand skates at target…yes…target…
-We just needed something for strolling around the parks and such to get out and get some fresh air and exersizce (i cant spell…) anyways, they are suprizingly comfy, the abac 5 bearings work very well spin freely and dont lock up. I havent had any problems with the boots or lining, its only been about a month, but ive used then for about an hour, at 15 times and there is no signs of wear.
-If your looking to pick something up on the cheap, i would at least check those out, i dont have any regrets. They dont feel or perform like my old missions, but they defenatly get teh job done. All i had to do was remove the stupid rear brake.

I was just joking too. I would have made fun of you if it was a joke about telling your dad that you like to play with spirographs.

I was just at berts on souhtwestern and they had all their rollerblades for $99. They had the kind you are looking for, also, I believe

read up about 4 posts lol.

Try Walmart

lol. i was out riding, and just threw a little comment in there

i got beat :frowning:

well… i do like teh spirographs.

Scribbler pen?