HELP ME: Hockey guys chime in!!!

I broke my skate blade off a shot in practice last night. Believe me this is not the first time this has happened but I’m at the point where I could use new skates anyways… if it comes down to it i’ll just get some new blades at great skate.

I am newer to the b-lo area SOOO…my question for nyspeed is this…

Where else in the could I get BAUER skates? Throw some shops names out there if you have any! I have already went to the following shops; Leisure, holiday and great skate. They do not have my size.:frowning:

Thanks in advance



Great Skate is really the only hockey oriented shop around.

If you know your size… the internet has much better specials, pricing, and availability than anywhere local.

If that’s not an option, try Dick’s or Laux (although, I don’t know what they have as far as selection).

agreed…ur best bet is great skate.

or maybe the shop inside pepsi center??

There is Buffalo Sports on Mckinley Parkway near the Mckinley Mall, they also have used skates too

I have researched online and to be honest, the new line of bauers is no cheaper online for the most part.

Believe me I have always been a fan of online buying but…

-i really would like to have them for practice tonight

  • I would really like to try them on, and get them baked today

oh yeah I tried them too…good looks tho

Best skate’s i’ve ever had, second MAYBE only to grafs i had in high school :tup:


I will try dicks and laux… thanks

If all else fails I will put some new blades in and milk them for a bit while I order a new pair online buy a pair in albany during t-giving

word, i think you’ll have a better shot with Dick’s @ the Galleria. Not DICK’s in the galleria, that’s Skunk’s prerogative.

hockey giant kicks ass.

ATM i am looking at either one75’s or vapor 25’s

the XXXX’s and ONE95’s are too rich for my brokeasscollege blood.


srsly…thing coming from you???

wait a minute…the dicks at the galleria mall, the 2 story one?

what about the mckinley mall one?

…ah fuggit i’ll call both

oh and beck…how’d you like grafs?..i’ve never owned a pair…always been a bauer guy

oh and THANKS!:mamoru: for the quick responses

I had them in high school. Thinking back 7 or 8 years ago, I liked them a lot. I don’t know how I would feel about them at the present time. Graf was a premier skate manufacturer back then, with everyone trailing behind. Now the Nike/Bauer merger, and RBK have made HUGE strides in R&D as well as quality/durability/comfort. Years ago, you never heard of RBK making hockey equipment… Now I’ll only use their gloves and sticks, and probably nothing ever again as long as they make stuff.

is laux in the galleria :bloated:?

laux and dicks are in the galleria

word…I always hear mixed reviews on them. love/hate


yea i wouldnt go to laux or dicks for skates … definatly hit up great skate or the pepsi center… and i know holiday rink has always had a lot of bauer skates in their pro shop.

If you go to great skate ask for matt brown if hes working thats my cousin tell him eric said hes a cocksucker maybe he will give you a deal